Autism Definition

Autism is technically a clinical syndrome, distinguished by difficulty in social interaction and communication skills, that usually appears during childhood, Due to the number of clinical symptoms that an autistic individual can display, physicians refer it more commonly as an autism spectrum disorder. To date, no autistic patient conveys the same characteristics or features as another to its entirety.

A Child with Autism

Statistics reveal that 1 out of 59 children develop an autism spectrum disorder, generally diagnosed between the age of 2 and 4 and boys have a higher chance than girls. Take into consideration that autism manifests itself in various degrees of intensity and with a wide array of symptoms. No children have the same spectrum of autism.

Autism produces alterations related to social behaviour, verbal and non-verbal communication, interest attention, and daily activities. All children show severe language impairment, which can range from total absence, comprehension deficit, and use of mimic signs to a mild dysprosody (monotone tone of voice). Nonverbal communication is also compromised since they are unable to communicate adequately through gestures, express their desires or convey facial expressions.

Additionally, they cannot interact well with other people and experience episodes of aggressiveness, self-harm, lack of impulse control and deranged conduct. Sometimes, they cause exuberant and uncontrollable tantrums from a minuscule or irrelevant inconvenience. Intense fear and panic issues are also very common.

What causes autism?

Scientists are still unable to determine the true origin of the autism spectrum disorder. Although it was described for the first time in the 1940s, there is still insufficient data about it. Many investigations deter that is a multifactorial illness due to the fact that two autistic people can’t possess the exact autistic characteristics.

Many studies have sustained that genetics might be the main factor associated with autism. According a study of pilates trainer course Melbourne, more than 100 genes in different chromosomes could be involved in the development, in various degrees. Many autistic people have changes in their DNA called mutations, but not all have the same combinations of mutations. Evidence suggests that the complexity of these genetic mutations can produce specific symptoms, increase the likelihood of them, or determine an appropriate treatment. Other theories that are being studied currently to explain the probability of developing autism include cerebral connections, metabolism disorders, and autoimmune afflictions.

Is Autism Curable?

Currently, no cure for autism has been discovered. Nonetheless, recent investigations have revealed that certain cases of autism have disappeared as their children grow over time. First, you must understand the concept of “optimal outcome”, which refers to the cease of autistic symptoms over time. When this occurs, pediatricians indicate that the child has “lost the autism diagnosis” because he or she no longer fit the criteria for autism. Investigations have demonstrated that therapy can improve cognitive issues and progress to improved quality of life.

Most scientists elaborate that some children are not diagnosed by an autism specialist, therefore they might have been evaluated inappropriately. Others propose that the final analysis of the case is replaced by a more appropriate diagnosis. For example, some children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) present similar symptoms as autism but aren’t truly evaluated until they reach a higher age.

Complications of Autism

An autism spectrum disorder can be difficult enough to be handle on its own, however, there are certain complications that worsen even more the therapeutic treatments. Certain health conditions are associated with autism include:

Sensory Issues
A person with autism is highly sensitive to external stimuli and it can be severe to such a degree that ordinary sensations can cause pain or discomfort. In their defect, they may not be able to respond properly to extreme conditions of heat, cold, or pain.

Seizures are a common secondary effect in people with autism and it generally appears at an early age or when they hit puberty.

Psychomotor Retardation
Generally, autistic children have some sort of degree of mental deficiency. This can include the fragile X syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes mental delay, particularly in men.

Tuberous Sclerosis
This uncommon disorder can cause the growth of benign tumours in numerous organs, including the brain. Studies have shown that the incidence of autism is greater in children with tuberous sclerosis that those who do not suffer from this illness.

Other Diseases
Some frequent secondary effects that may occur in someone who suffers from autism involve aggression, insomnia, digestive symptoms, and changes in their dietary habits.